Webacy's EmbeddedSafety™ APIs are an enterprise-grade, real-time blockchain transaction, wallet, and customer-level monitoring and risk analysis system.

Get your API key here: https://developers.webacy.co/ or contact us directly (info@webacy.com)

Our REST APIs allow you to perform real-time queries to our risk decisioning engine and retrieve risk data including a Webacy Safety Score and related flags. Our Wallet Watch APIs enable real-time transaction monitoring for any address and can be configured with a callback based on certain risk flags.

We support risk checks on any on-chain address

TransactionTransaction Hash
AddressAddress (EOA, Token, Multisig, Asset, etc.)
Smart ContractSmart Contract Address



Your API root URL for the production API is https://api.webacy.com
Sandbox and demo testing is managed by your API key.


Looking for Product Examples and Workflows?

We have product-forward documentation including common use cases and integration examples.


Want A Fun UI?

Check out Webacy DYOR, which uses all of our APIs.