Discover the risk of any on-chain address.

This includes any contract, wallet, EOA, token, NFT, or otherwise.


Optional Parameters

This endpoint offers two optional query parameters.

chain - Allows specification for which chain you'd like to query. Defaults eth. We currently support 'eth', 'arb', 'base', 'bsc', 'pol', 'opt', 'sol', and 'ton'.

show_low_risk- Return details on low risk issues found with the address. The endpoint does not return issues categorized as 'low' risk. If the 'count' field is non-zero, but 'medium' and 'high' risk issue counts show zero, it is likely that 'low' risk issues are associated with the given address. This is common with issues related to spam/sybil.


Different From Wallet Risk Exposure

This endpoint analyzes an address' threat to others, which is different from a wallet's exposure to risk (how likely a wallet is to get drained) which is found using the Exposure Risk endpoint.


Example Testing Addresses

Try out these addresses to get started with the Threat Risks API.

  • Tornado Cash Address: 0x8589427373D6D84E98730D7795D8f6f8731FDA16
  • Sanctioned Address: 0x8576acc5c05d6ce88f4e49bf65bdf0c62f91353c
  • Fake USDC: 0x088881723e0d940b993D5B94B368FaD4298C060f

Some common use cases for this endpoint include:

  • Filtering addresses for spam / sybil
  • Blocking high risk addresses from utilizing your service (compliance, platform safety)
  • Flagging high risk addresses (tokens, contracts, p2p participants)
  • Much more!
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!