This API predicts the maliciousness of a given URL.


Good to Know

In some cases, a URL may already be mapped to a smart contract in our database and will be traced back to any risk levels detected with that address. It is recommended that the URL Risk is used in conjunction with our Threat Risks to enhance the end-user's safety.


Common Use Cases

  • Wallets when connecting to or interacting with a dapp
  • Browser extensions detecting webpages
  • Vetting associated URLs for grant submissions, hackathons, competitions, partnerships, and more

The endpoint returns three fields in json:

fielddescriptionpossible values
riskLevela risk level of a URL based on the combined result of blacklist & whitelist matching and of ML predictionhigh | medium | low | unknown
descriptiondescription of the riskLevelthis URL has been blacklisted | this url is known as a safe project address | Webacy AI engine predicted this URL as a medium risk address | Inconclusive
messageA link to a Google Form to report false positives or false negativesWrong response? Please report:


In Beta

This endpoint leverages a proprietary machine learning model trained on a large dataset of URLs, fine-tuned and specialized on web3 data. This allows our endpoint to perform better for web3 and blockchain-related use cases compared to traditional, general malicious URL endpoints. We also ingest updated URL data daily, and re-train and redeploy our model so it includes the most up-to-date data available.

This endpoint is in beta, and may make mistakes. If you are seeing an incorrect response, please contact us at or fill out this form:

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!