JUMP TOgetting startedIntroductionCapabilitiesPrerequisitesAuthenticationRate LimitsConsiderationsTaxonomiesSupported BlockchainsRisk LevelsResponse OverviewGuidesWhat is BundlingRisk Score APIThreat RisksThreat Considerations for an AddressgetSanction ChecksCheck if Address is SanctionedgetApproval RisksApprovals with threat risksgetExposure RiskUnderstand the Risk Profile / Risk Exposure of an AddressgetContract RiskGet a real-time analysis for a given contract addressgetBatch Threat RiskSubmit URLs for analysispostGet submitted batchesgetGet batch resultsgetURL RisksProject URL Risk AnalysispostWallet Watch APIOverviewEndpointsSubscribe AddresspostUpdate AddressputUnsubscribe AddressdeleteGet UsersgetGet User DetailsgetUtility APIsAPI UsageGet API usage for specified datesgetGet current API usagegetGet maximum RPS for an organizationgetSmart Wallet APIThreat RisksThreat Considerations for an AddressgetSanction ChecksCheck if Wallet Address is SanctionedgetContract RiskGet a real-time analysis for a given contract addressgetPowered by Batch Threat Risk🚧Not Enabled by DefaultThis endpoint is not enabled by default. Please contact sales / support for access.